The intuition of the astrologer allows him to know where to
begin the session, to use words skillfully in difficult territory, to
perceive accurately the emotional reaction to the information
purveyed, to know which questions to ask, and perhaps to
know when to change course from the planned structure of the
session and go into another area that holds more energy for
the client.
To do an astrological reading while staying clear and open intuitively can be challenging initially because we must be open
in the right and left brain simultaneously. Most of us tend to
naturally favor one side or the other. It takes some practice to
be open intuitively and while remaining clear mentally with the
details of an astrological analysis. It is worthwhile though to
expand this capacity, which will also allow us to function more
effectively in our own lives, balanced between intuitive, creative reception and direct thought, process and action.
When we do astrological counseling we use studied wisdom
passed through the ages. We are grounded in the authority of
the chart, where there are at least some agreed upon qualities:
“the chart indicates you are likely to feel good about yourself
when you have opportunities to be solid and dependable” (Sun
in Taurus).
However, when we have an intuitive feel or psychic “hit” about
our client, we need to be extra cautious that we offer the information openly and without dogma. We are more likely to
be heard without defensiveness if we offer respect to the inner
truth of each client. We might say: “I’m wondering if….” Or
“the word “X” comes to mind. What does that evoke for you, if
anything”. Client centered, open communication can be more
healing than edicts and pronouncements, but it is particularly
important when we are in the intuitive flow and there could be
a chance we are biased in some way - or the client simply isn’t
ready to hear what we are getting. If we are integrating intuitive insights with astrological counseling it is also ethically important that we let the client know how we are coming to our
We clarify our intuitive capacity and develop trust in our insights in a number of ways I will discuss more thoroughly in
Part II of this article. We begin through healing processes such
as meditation and emotional clearing, as well as practice questions with simple issues. With time it becomes easier to connect intuitively with charts and with clients in a way that is
grounded and clear, adding a new and rewarding dimension to
the astrological consulting practice.
The Career Astrologer Volume 17 Number 2 Spring 2008
Школа Астрологии при ОРА Россия
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