You're Always Marketing
The vast majority of astrologers are like me — in-the-trenches
daily work and not famous. When I divorced my husband in 1974,I
had four sons to raise alone without financial help. I had not worked
(not being allowed to) for fifteen years and could not get a good job
that would feed us all. I had to make astrology work, because it was
all I knew. I could not go to conferences much because I couldn't
leave my children alone, and I didn't have the extra funds to pay for
it. But, I still did well and made a living. You can do it, too.
Remember that everywhere you go and whatever
you do, you are making an impression for good or ill.
You're representing us all. If we are to raise the public
perception of us, we have to educate people and give
them a different perception of who we are. Then
maybe someday, when you say "I'm an astrologer,"
the person in front of you won't stick out his hand and
say, "Read my palm."
The Career Astrologer Volume 14 Number 1 January 2005
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