Журнал "Современная оптометрия" №4-2022 | Page 50

Осложнения при ношении контактных линз
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29 . Szczotka-Flynn LB , Pearlman E , Ghannoum M . Microbial contamination of contact lenses , lens care solutions , and their accessories : a literature review . Eye Contact Lens . 2010 Mar ; 36 : 116 – 129 .
30 . Stapleton F , Keay L , Edwards K , et al . The incidence of contact lens-related microbial keratitis in Australia . Ophthalmology . 2008 Oct ; 115 : 1655 – 1662 .
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32 . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Acanthamoeba keratitis fact sheet for healthcare professionals . Available at https : // www . cdc . gov / parasites / acanthamoeba / health _ professionals / acanthamoeba _ keratitis _ hcp . html . Accessed on Sept . 24 , 2018 .
33 . Steele KR , Szczotka-Flynn L . Epidemiology of contact lens-induced infiltrates : an updated review . Clin Exp Optom . 2017 Sep ; 100 : 473 – 481 .
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Contemporary CL complications Tips for when eyes experience insults due to hypoxia , mechanical irritation , toxicity , or microbial contamination .
Keywords : complications , contact lenses , hypoxia
Аарон Б . Циммерман ( Aaron B . Zimmerman ), врач-оптометрист , профессор колледжа оптометрии Университета штата Огайо ( Колумбус , США )
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