Журнал "Современная оптометрия" №3-2022 | Page 35

Список литературы
1 . Schünemann HJ , Akl EA , Chou R , et al . Use of facemasks during the COVID-19 pandemic . Lancet Respir Med 2020 ; 8 ; 10 : 954 – 955 .
2 . Veys K , Dockx K , Van Remoortel H , et al . The effect of hand hygiene promotion programs during epidemics and pandemics of respiratory droplet-transmissible infections on health outcomes : a rapid systematic review . BMC Public Health 2021 ; 21 ; 1 : 1745 .
3 . Zhou L , Ayeh SK , Chidambaram V , et al . Modes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and evidence for preventive behavioral interventions . BMC Infect Dis 2021 ; 21 ; 1 : 496 .
4 . Ayouni I , Maatoug J , Dhouib W , et al . Effective public health measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 : a systematic review . BMC Public Health 2021 ; 21 ; 1 : 1015 .
5 . Chu DK , Akl EA , Duda S , et al . Physical distancing , face masks , and eye protection to prevent person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 : a systematic review and meta-analysis . Lancet 2020 ; 395 ; 10242 : 1973 – 1987 .
6 . Dadras O , Alinaghi SAS , Karimi A , et al . Effects of COVID-19 prevention procedures on other common infections : a systematic review . Eur J Med Res 2021 ; 26 ; 1 : 67 .
7 . Lavista Ferres JM , Meirick T , Lomazow W , et al . Association of Public Health Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic With the Incidence of Infectious Conjunctivitis . JAMA Ophthalmol 2021 ; In press .
8 . Clase CM , Fu EL , Joseph M , et al . Cloth Masks May Prevent Transmission of COVID-19 : An Evidence-Based , Risk-Based Approach . Ann Intern Med 2020 ; 173 ; 6 : 489 – 491 .
9 . Esposito S , Principi N , Leung CC , et al . Universal use of face masks for success against COVID-19 : evidence and implications for prevention policies . Eur Respir J 2020 ; 55 ; 6 : 2001260 .
10 . Tran TQ , Mostafa EM , Tawfik GM , et al . Efficacy of face masks against respiratory infectious diseases : a systematic review and network analysis of randomized-controlled trials . J Breath Res 2021 ; 15 ; 4 .
11 . Leffler CT , Ing E , Lykins JD , et al . Association of country-wide coronavirus mortality with demographics , testing , lockdowns , and public wearing of masks . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020 ; 103 ( 6 ): 2400 – 2411 .
12 . Agarwal P , Sharma D . How to Prevent Fogging of Spectacle Glasses When Wearing a Face Mask . Indian J Surg 2021 ; In press .
13 . Bhardwaj A , Sharma C , Rajan MB . Simple solutions for the fogging of spectacles when wearing surgical masks . J Am Acad Dermatol 2021 ; 85 ; 4 : e237 – e238 .
14 . Maldonado-Codina C , Navascues-Cornago M , Plowright AJ , et al . Using face masks with spectacles versus contact lenses . Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2021 101516 .
15 . MADE : A new coronavirus-associated eye disease . 2020 ; 11 Jan 2021 . https :// www . healio . com / news / ophthalmology / 20200622 / blog-a-new-coronavirus associated-eye-disease .
16 . Moshirfar M , West WB , Jr ., Marx DP . Face Mask- Associated Ocular Irritation and Dryness . Ophthalmol Ther 2020 ; 9 ; 3 : 397 – 400 .
17 . Why face masks can make eyes feel dry , and what you can do about it . 2020 ; 21 Oct 2020 . https :// theconversation . com / why-face-masks-can-make-eyes-feel-dry-and-whatyou-can-do-about-it-143261 .
18 . Zeri F , Naroo SA . Contact lens practice in the time of COVID-19 . Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2020 ; 43 ; 3 : 193 – 195 .
19 . Schiffman RM , Christianson MD , Jacobsen G , et al . Reliability and validity of the Ocular Surface Disease Index . Arch Ophthalmol 2000 ; 118 ; 5 : 615 – 21 .
20 . Miller KL , Walt JG , Mink DR , et al . Minimal clinically important difference for the ocular surface disease index . Arch Ophthalmol 2010 ; 128 ; 1 : 94 – 101 .
21 . Wolffsohn JS , Arita R , Chalmers R , et al . TFOS DEWS II Diagnostic Methodology report . Ocul Surf 2017 ; 15 ; 3 : 539 – 574 .
22 . Sickenberger W . Klassifikation von Spaltlampenbefunden – Ein praxisnahes Handbuch nicht nur für Kontaktlinsenanpasser , 4 th ed . Heidelberg , Germany : DOZ Verlag ; 2014 . Series In : Klassifikation von Spaltlampenbefunden – Ein praxisnahes Handbuch nicht nur für Kontaktlinsenanpasser , 4th ed . Heidelberg , Germany : DOZ Verlag ; 2014 .
23 . Jones L , Downie LE , Korb D , et al . TFOS DEWS II Management and Therapy Report . Ocul Surf 2017 ; 15 ; 3 : 575 – 628 .
Case Report : Novel use of Non-Invasive Tear Break Up Time ( NITBUT ) to confirm symptomatic description of a recently described phenomenon related to COVID-19 safety measures : Mask-Associated Dry Eye ( MADE )
The novel coronavirus pandemic has led to the fact that in a number of regions of the world it has become mandatory to wear protective masks . This can lead to aggravation of dry eye symptoms in patients . The article discusses methods for preventing this phenomenon .
Keywords : dry eye , MADE , protective mask , tear film break time
Кеюр Патель ( Keyur Patel ), клинический директор оптометрической клиники Tompkins Knight & Son Optometrists ( Нортгемптон , Великобритания )