Журнал "Современная оптометрия" №2-2022 | Page 35

64 . Kramer E . Encourage contact lens wear to combat maskinduced foggy glasses . Primary Care Optometry News 2020 ; https :// www . healio . com / news / optometry / 20201228 / encourage-contact-lens-wear-to-combat-maskinducedfoggy-glasses .

65 . Moshirfar M , West WB , Jr ., Marx DP . Face Mask- Associated Ocular Irritation and Dryness . Ophthalmol Ther 2020 ; 9 ; 3 : 397 – 400 .
66 . Jones L . Why face masks can make eyes feel dry , and what you can do about it . The Conversation 2020 ; https :// theconversation . com / why-face-masks-can-make-eyesfeel-dry-and-what-you-can-do-about-it-143261 ; 21 Oct 2020 .
67 . Aksoy M , Simsek M . Evaluation of Ocular Surface and Dry Eye Symptoms in Face Mask Users . Eye Contact Lens 2021 ; 47 ; 10 : 555 – 558 .
68 . Boccardo L . Self-reported symptoms of maskassociated dry eye : A survey study of 3,605 people . Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2021 ; Jan 20 ; 101408 .
69 . Chadwick O , Lockington D . Addressing post-operative Mask-Associated Dry Eye ( MADE ). Eye ( Lond ) 2021 ; 35 ; 6 : 1543 – 1544 .
70 . Krolo I , Blazeka M , Merdzo I [ et al .]. Mask-Associated Dry Eye During COVID-19 Pandemic-How Face Masks Contribute to Dry Eye Disease Symptoms . Med Arch 2021 ; 75 ; 2 : 144 – 148 .
71 . Barnett M . We can ’ t undo what covid has MADE . Modern Optometry 2021 ; Sept https :// modernod . com / articles / 2021-sept / we-cant-undo-what-covid-hasmade ? c4src = article : infinite-scroll .
72 . Barnett M . How to address face mask-associated dry eye . Optometry Times 2021 ; https :// www . optometrytimes . com / view / how-to-address-face-mask-associated-dry-eye .
73 . Jahanbani-Ardakani H , Hosseini M , Almasi S [ et al .]. Letter to the Editor : Face Mask-associated Dry Eye in Health Care Professionals amid the COVID-19 Pandemic . Optom Vis Sci 2021 ; 98 ; 8 : 995 – 996 .
74 . Arriola-Villalobos P , Burgos-Blasco B , Vidal-Villegas B [ et al .]. Effect of Face Mask on Tear Film Stability in Eyes With Moderate-to-Severe Dry Eye Disease . Cornea 2021 ; 40 ; 10 : 1336 – 1339 .
75 . Martinez-Perez C , Monteiro B , Soares M [ et al .]. Influence of Face Masks on the Use of Contact Lenses . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 ; 18 ; 14 .
Pandemic-Associated Eye Problems : A Review of Five Issues for the ECP
The article reviews the accumulated scientific evidence over two years in five major problems regarding the eyes and personal protective equipment .
Keywords : chalazion , contact lenses , COVID-19 , dry eye , protecting mask
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