Журнал «the МОСТ» выпуск 2 | Page 232

It is one of the smartest ways to practice mindfulness , responsible consumption and sustainability with the food we need to prepare our meals every day . There is also a « side effect » of this trend which brings more dynamic development of the economy and traditions of local cuisine to each geographical region . The main word in gastronomy today is locavorism ( from English « local » and Latin « vorare » — « to eat »). It has become a response to the growing globalization of the economy and the declining quality of food . Buying from farmers in such conditions is an obvious way out . The shorter is the path of products to the plate , the higher is their nutritional value and the better is the taste .

Locavorism , or zero kilometer

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the world who need organ transplants . Meanwhile , no more than 2,5 thousand operations of such kind are carried out in Russia per year . Patients can wait for years for donor organs , but many of them simply do not have time for this , and it is not always possible to get help . Therefore , organ printing technologies on a 3D printer are becoming an important milestone in the evolution of modern regenerative medicine and transplantology . Scientists hope that in 20 years the queues for organ transplants will sink into oblivion , since any organ can be printed right in the operating room . However , so far we are only on the threshold of the future , although the dynamic development of technology sometimes brings it closer than we could imagine .

3d-bioprinting .

The future is near

We have been reminded more and more lately to take care of our mental health . And it ' s not just about the increased level of anxiety , which is relevant for everyone . The nervous system and psyche of any modern person are continually subjected to a variety of « attacks » associated with the rhythm of life , multitasking and changes in the world that is always running somewhere . Smartphone applications are not a psychotherapist , but they can help to track the approaching depression , cope with anxiety and panic attacks .
According to neurophysiologists , gadgets cause « cheap » dopamine which enters our brain . Access to any information and use of various functions inside a smartphone are one of the most important advantages of life in the 21st century . Today a smartphone is an indispensable assistant that allows you to search for information via the Internet , use bank cards , camera and video camera functions . But at the same time the active use of mobile devices makes them our enemies , causing the fear of being left without a phone ( nomophobia ) and the habit of looking at the smartphone screen during live communication ( fabing ).

Keep calm and take care of your mental health


Digital detox . Useful asceticism or a non-working trend ?

232 the МОСТ ТОМСК