Геодезия, Картография, Земеустройство | Page 19

ГЕОДЕЗИЧЕСКИ ИЗМЕРВАНИЯ ЗА МОДЕЛИРАНЕ НА ГЕОИДА ЗА ТЕРИТОРИЯТА НА БЪЛГАРИЯ* Д-р инж. Иван Калчев, „ГЕО ПЛЮС“ ЕООД SUMMARY The article presents the practical results from precise geodetic measurements for development of research projects under the Operational Programme "DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE BULGARIAN ECONOMY 2007-2013" Contract № BG161PO0031.1.06-0077-C0001, with beneficiary company "GEO PLUS" LTD. Research topic is " Scientifically applied elaboration for modeling the geoid for the territory of Bulgaria, methodology and software for its appli-cation in moni ܚ[