годезията, художествената литература и изкуството
Проф. дтн. инж. Георги Вълев, инж. Георги Райнов, ''Геопрециз инженеринг'' ООД
The article is dedicated to the city of Marrakesh, former
capital of Morocco, which gave the name of the state. The
city is famous with many interesting sights and was ranked
as top tourist destination for 2015 according to the tourist
site Trip Advisor. It is called “the Pearl of Africa”, and in one
of the Berberian dialects the name “Marrakesh” means
“The land of God”. Many Bulgarian geodesists, engineers
and technicians have worked in this city. The world cinema
festivals take place here. This year the First congress of the
Union of the Mediterranean geodesists (UMG) took place,
accompanied by a remarkable exhibition, where geodetic
instruments were shown, as well as geodetic software
and different geodetic products. Here in 1994 the World
Trade Organization was established. Some of the sights
are the historical part of the town – Medina, the “Jemaa
el-Fnaa” square, where tourist can see performances by
conjurers, acrobats, jugglers, snake handlers, story-tellers
and musicians, adding medieval spirit to the night air,
the botanical garden “Jardin Majorelle”, the “Koutoubia”
mosque, the “Bahia” palace, the “Dar Si Said” museum with
the wonderful collection of Morrocan handicraft articles, the
fortress walls of the city. A medieval city of drama, myths
and mysteries, Marrakesh will captivate anyone who dares
to enter behind its ochre-colored walls.
Статията е посветена на град Маракеш, бивша
столица на Мароко, дал името на държавата. Градът
е известен с много интересни забележителности и
е обявен за топ туристическата дестинация за 2015
година според туристическия сайт Trip Advisor. Наричат
го ‘‘Перлата на Африка’’, а на един от берберските
диалекти името Маракеш означава „Земята на
Господ”. В този град са работили много български
геодезисти, инженери и техници. Тук се провеждат
световните кинофестивали. През настоящата година
в града се проведе първият конгрес на Съюза на