Геодезия, Картография, Земеустройство | Page 70

3D ЗАСНЕМАНЕ НА ЖЕЛЕЗОПЪТНА ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА И НЕЙНИТЕ ЕЛЕМЕНТИ ЗА ВЪВЕЖДАНЕТО ИМ В ГИС НА НКЖИ Инж. Милена Куртева – „Евросенс” ЕООД, София ABSTRACT The introduction of GIS helps to improve quality and efficiency of railway management structure and improving and maintaining of the entire railway infrastructure. For this purpose, the railway network was conducted aerial surveying, marking and measuring of ground control points, creating a 3D database of the elements of railway infrastructure, reconciling geodetic (field) and photogrammetric (laboratory) mapping, producing an accurate digital terrain model and digital color orthophoto image with a resolution of 10 cm. Together with some general data, the article is presenting the execution of the Stage 2 of the project - surveying of the railway infrastructure and its elements. РЕЗЮМЕ Въвеждането на ГИС спомага за