„ГЕОПРЕЦИЗ ИНЖЕНЕРИНГ” ООД - области на дейност
Инж. Николай Колев
1. Малко история
In the article there is a brief description of the
geodetic company „Geoprecise Engineering“
LTD - one of first private companies in Bulgaria
and a leading one in many aspects. Historical facts
are given, related to its technical equpment, the
software products, bought as well as developed by
the company itself are described. There are given
the more significant national sites, completed and
submitted by the company, as well as its participation
in international projects and the accomplishment
of foreign jobs. The company is licensed by the
Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency by
registering persons , licensed to carry out activities
according to the Law on Cadastre and Property
Register. The company is certified with a system for
quality management BDS EN ISO 9001:2008
Фирмата е създадена през 1989 година като
колективна фирма от девет съдружници. Покъсно, през 1990 г. съгласно Търговския закон
е регистрирана като Събирателно дружество
„Геопрециз”. През 1994 г. е пререгистрирана