Геодезия, Картография, Земеустройство | Page 4

АСПЕКТИ И ГЕОПРОСТРАНСТВЕНИ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ НА СЪВРЕМЕННАТА ПРИЛОЖНА ГЕОДЕЗИЯ Чл.-кор. проф. д-р инж. Георги Милев1 SAMMARY The actual development of the geodesy with its two aspects - natural-scientific and engineering, is assessed. Systematizing and summarizing of its applicable part separated as an Applied Geodesy - essence, aspects and technologies as well as geospatial technologies are made. The comprehensive application of the geodesy i.e. its contemporary (penetration) in other sciences and fields is systemized and summarized on the ground of the development and accumulated experience in the particular aspects of application as well as the digitalization and globalization of the science during last decades. A fields and concrete aspects of use of the geospatial technologies in the applie