Геодезия, Картография, Земеустройство | Page 4

CONTENTS GEODESY 1. Satellite Radar Scanning Georgi Milev, Ivo Milev 2. The Finite Elements Method and the Mapping Projection Georgi Valev 3 13 FOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING 3. Study of Positional Accuracy Upon Registration of Raster Images in the Data Bases of GIS for Forestry Sector Yulin Tepeliev, Marya Assenova, MAPPING 21 4. Application of the OECD Methodology for Mapping Rural / Urban Areas in Bulgaria Penka Kastreva 26 5. Improving the methodology for real estate valuation in the countries with emerging markets Vladislava Brett 31 6. Development and Challenges of the Geodesy, Mapping, and Cadastre in Bulgaria - Perspectives Valentin Yovev 7. Standpoint of the Union of Surveyors and Landmanagers in Bulgaria on the Status, Problems and their Decision in the Field of Geodesy and Cadastre in Bulgaria 36 8. Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev Famous Writer and Surveyor, Prominent Russian Explorer, Geographer, Ethnographer and Explorer of th