Геодезия, Картография, Земеустройство | Page 28

ВЪЗМОЖНОСТИ ЗА ИЗПОЛЗУВАНЕ ЗА ФОТОГРАМЕТРИЧНИ НУЖДИ НА ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЯ, ПОЛУЧЕНИ ОТ НЕМЕТРИЧНИ МАЛКО ФОРМАТНИ КАМЕРИ Д-р инж. Димитър Петров Шуменски университет Епископ Константин Преславски, Шумен SUMMARY The rapid development of tools for digital photography in combination with continuous improvement of power and performance of desktop computer systems has led to creation of the technology “digital photogrammetry”. One of the main advantages of this technology over traditional analog and analytical photogrammetry is the ability to use digital photographic images obtained from different sources in accordance with the objectives and tasks. For this reason, more and more often in practice, thru a digital photogrammetric processing undergo digital photos (images) obtained by small-format, non metric cameras (without coordinate marks), which in financial terms are easily accessible, have good features and easy radiometricheski are loaded into the computer memory. By contrast, however, on geometrical properties of the lens, these domestic digital cameras fall far short of professional photogrammetric cameras, which requires their preliminary calibration and definition of their parameters - coordinates of the principal point and distortion of the lens. РЕЗЮМЕ Бурното развитие на средствата за цифрово фотографиране в комбинация с непрекъснатото повишаване на мощността и бързодействието /t,