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Role of arthropods in their habitats:

How you know, we reckon that everything in this world connect with each other, especially in nature. Arthopods also play important role in nature. For example, bees (insects) polinate plants, or crayfishes clean rivers and lakes. Also all of them is the part of food chain. Inhabiting the soil arthropods loosen the soil, enrich it with nutrients. Predatory arthropods and some parasites regulate the number of useless, including pests of forest and agriculture. Detritophages accelerate the processing of organic residues, promoting the cycle of biogenic elements. To sum up, we can say that arthropods is very useful for nature. And if one of them disappears, food chain would destroy, plants would suffer. And for example, if insects disappears, spider-like will have nothing to eat, or if spider-like disappears, amount ofinsects will sharply increase and it will led to spread of different illness. The reason why, it is so important to keep balance.