БҚМУ жаршысы - Вестник ЗКГУ ЗКГУ. Вестник, 1-2019 | Page 17

БҚМУ Хабаршы №1-2019ж. Objectives Development, replenishment and qualification of patriotism through high school pupils' pedagogical process. Task Formation of the notion of patriotism; elegant revival; Developing concepts, skills and abilities of the motherland, birthplace, labor, education, friendship, cooperation, respect for national values, and evaluation. Elements of patriotic education of high school students through the school pedagogical process. Emotional-motivational. Positive emotional views of pupils on patriotic measures. Content. Content and completeness of patriotic education Action. We have tried to use and apply their knowledge to practical actions. Principles Table of contents. The system of national knowledge, love for the Motherland, respect for parents, love to native land, love of animals, national culture, communication systems, respect for the people's work, respect for them. Methods. Analyzing, talking, teaching, showing, convicting, demanding, counseling, training, creative project, analysis, grouping, differentiating, praising, interviewing, stage scenery, psychological-pedagogical diagnostics, testing, etc. Forms. Cognitive conversation, extracurricular activities, educational hours, cognitive games, art contests, tactical competitions, literary and musical evenings, traveling hours, scenic performances, dramatic images, meetings etc. Pedagogical conditions - Knowledge of the essence of patriotism in the students, the labor of the motherland in the formation of the idea of a higher purpose and value. - Organization of activities for the development of readiness of the students to serve their Motherland. - Theoretical and practical training of the teacher in the process of patriotic upbringing of students in professional activity. Outcome Educating the student in patriotism Figure 2 – Structural-content model of patriotic education of high school students through the school pedagogical process. 16