Εφημερίδα 2ου Γυμνασίου Αλεξ/πολης | Page 6

6 Next stop was the island of Aeolus the favorite of Gods. He hosted us for a month and he helped us to leave for our homeland. He had sworn to Zeus to be the guard of the winds. So he gave us a bag, where he closed inside all the winds except Zephyrus who could lead us to Ithaca. We had almost reached our homeland when something awful happened to us because of our partners’ curiosity and recklessness. They - while I was sleeping - opened the bag thinking that there was a valuable treasure inside which I kept for myself. Then all the winds came out and sent us back again to Aeolia. Aeolus, though, sent us away because he thought that gods didn’t want our return to Ithaca.