Εφημερίδα 2ου Γυμνασίου Αλεξ/πολης | Page 2

2 «There is nothing sweeter in the world than our homeland». Keeping in our heart those words, we set off on our return journey to Ithaca. From Troy, the wind drifted us to Ismaros. After we had conquered the city and looted the treasures, my mindless companions didn’t listen to me and started to feast. It was that time when we were attacked by the Kikones and their neighbors. The battle was hard but we survived, though we lost our beloved companions. According to our tradition, we cried out their names three times, promising that we would remember them forever. After we went through a huge sea storm, below Peloponnese. Nine days later, we arrived at the Lotus Eaters’ island. We anchored there and I sent a group in order to explore the island. Unfortunately my companions ate that sweet lotus fruit that the people offered to them. But what a disaster! They forgot our homeland right away. When I realized that it was too late, I took them by force to return to the ships and go on with our journey.