Εφημερίδα 2ου Γυμνασίου Αλεξ/πολης | Page 17

17 After dealing with the extreme waves and storms that the god of the sea had put me through I ended up on the island of Scheria. Fortunately, I met the daughter of the king of Phaeacians, Nausica, over the riverside. She led me to the palace where Alkinoos and Arete gave me shelter. They treated me well and organized athletic games. When the singer Demodocus sang the accomplishments of Achaeans in Troy, I was unable to hide my emotions so I had to reveal my identity. After I narrated my adventures, Phaeacians showed me their admiration and their love by giving me a ship loaded with expensive gifts in order to reach my beloved home country. When I woke up, I was already in Ithaca. But there I had to face new difficulties and hard strugglesin order to regain my position in my house and my people.