Εφημερίδα 2ου Γυμνασίου Αλεξ/πολης | Page 10

10 This is how we began our great journey to the underworld. The friendly wind sent us to the Kimmerian and near the entrance to Hades, where Circe advised me to ask Teresias, the oracle about my homecoming. After sacrificing to the dead, to the Oracle and to Pluto, the souls of the dead gathered around the slaughtered animals to drink blood in order to remember the world of living and speak. First of them all, the seer Teresias foretold that Poseidon would be an obstacle to my homecoming. He also foretold that I would arrive late to my home, and there new difficulties would await me. However, I would manage to avenge the men who desired my wife and my throne. He also advised me to make a sacrifice, first to Poseidon, then to other gods. In the end he told me that I would die far away from the sea at a very old age. Then the soul of my mother, Antikleia, spoke of the loyalty of Penelope, my son , and my father, Laertes. Next, many women, wives and daughters of honorable men spoke of their generation. After them, the souls of Agamemnon, Achiles, Ajax, Hercules and other dead Achaioi appeared, so I spoke with them. However, the noise from the voices of the thousands of dead, around me was too much. So I ordered my men to start sailing home.