Εκμετάλλευση - Εμπορία Ανθρώπων - Human Exploitation/Trafficking Let-Children-be-Children_Case-studies-refugee-prog | Seite 2

About Eurochild: Eurochild advocates for children’s rights and well-being to be at the heart of policymaking. We are a network of organisations working with and for children throughout Europe, striving for a society that respects the rights of children. We influence policies, build internal capacities, facilitate mutual learning and exchange practice and research. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is the foundation of all our work. www.eurochild.org About SOS Children's Villages: SOS Children’s Villages International is the umbrella organ- isation of more than 130 affiliated national SOS Children’s Village associations worldwide. SOS Children’s Villages is a non-governmental and non-denominational child-focused organisation that provides direct services in the areas of care, education and health for children at risk of losing parental care, and those who have lost parental care. The organisation also builds the capacity of the children’s caregivers, their fami- lies and communities to provide adequate care. SOS Children’s Villages advocates for the rights of children without parental care and those at risk of losing parental care. Founded in 1949, its operations are guided by the spirit of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children. www.sos-childrensvillages.org This publication receives financial support from Eurochild through the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission. Produced and printed in November 2017. For more information, contact: Agata D'Addato, Senior Policy Coordinator, Eurochild, [email protected]