Εκμετάλλευση - Εμπορία Ανθρώπων - Human Exploitation/Trafficking Let-Children-be-Children_Case-studies-refugee-prog | Page 16

Semi-independent living for children in Austria SUMMARY The project provides accommodation for unaccompanied and separated children with refugee status between the ages of 16 and 18. The practice is based on the SOS Children’s Villages semi- independent living model for children without parental care and is implemented in partnership with child and youth services. Unaccompanied and separated children with refugee status live in a student residence facility where they can interact with students from different countries and gradually integrate into the community. Care and support services are provided as well as opportunities for apprenticeships. In addition to covering children’s basic needs, the project facilitates access to education and employment, provides counselling and promotes empowerment and self-reliance. Aftercare support can be provided up to the age of 21. Community involvement is achieved through a mentoring program which enables volunteers to support refugee children. Country: Austria Location: Salzburg Website: http://www.sos-kinderdorf.at/so-hilft-sos/ wo-wir-helfen/europa/oesterreich/wg-salzburg Target group: Unaccompanied and separated children and young people with refugee status between the ages of 16 and 21 Implemented by: Salzburg Child and Youth Services, SOS Children’s Village Salzburg, ÖJAB-Haus Salzburg Funded by: Salzburg Child and Youth Services, SOS Children’s Village Salzburg, Timeframe: 2016 – ongoing Contact person: Sabine Köppl-Lindorfer, Pedagogical Supervisor [email protected] KEY TOPICS ALTERNATIVE CARE FOR UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN CASE MANAGEMENT PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT FORMAL EDUCATION INFORMAL EDUCATION VOCATIONAL TRAINING TRANSITION TO ADULTHOOD STAFF TRAINING CHILD PARTICIPATION PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP LOCAL COMMUNITY ACCESS TO INFORMATION 16