Summary table with
key topics by case study
This table visually summarises the topics
addressed by each case study.
COUNTRY 16 Austria (AT) Semi-independent living for children in Austria
22 Finland (FI) Integrating unaccompanied refugee children in Finland
Germany (DE)
Volunteer legal guardianship for unaccompanied young people: an
evaluation of the guardianship system in North Rhine-Westphalia
38 Independent living arrangements for unaccompanied
children in Germany
46 Care and integration of unaccompanied and separated
children in Greece
Greece (EL)
Prosvasis: Street work project for homeless children
and families in Greece
Support and informal education for children in
reception facilities in Greece
72 Hungary (HU)
80 Ireland (IE)
86 Italy (IT)
92 Serbia (RS)
100 Slovakia (SK)
Sweden (SE)
PAGE 120 The Netherlands (NL)
128 United Kingdom (UK-SC)
Foster care for unaccompanied children in Hungary
Child Migration Matters: promoting the rights of
undocumented migrant children in Ireland
Centre for asylum-seeking families with children in Italy
Humanitarian assistance for refugees and migrants in Serbia
Children Do NOT Belong in Prison: Ending migration
detention of children and families in Slovakia
Innovation for the integration of unaccompanied children in
Mentoring programme for unaccompanied children in private
living arrangements
Happy Nest: an afterschool programme for children
in reception centres
Guardianship service for unaccompanied and
separated children in Scotland