ΑΠΟΤΥΠΩΜΑΤΑ Σχολικό Έτoς 2021 – 2022 | Page 62

ΑΠΟΤΥΠΩΜΑΤΑ that , you are probably asking yourself what actuated me to be a part of a demanding activity like this , while also juggling school and exams . Well , MUN seems to be one of the most creative ways to get an insight into politics , debating and drafting innovating solutions for modern problems . What is more , one develops a certain sense of confidence , while enhancing time management , observation and soft skills . Of course , all these advantages arose a while after I started taking part in conferences , before that , the main reasons for my involvement were the fact that I wanted to test my limits and challenge myself into doing something out of my comfort zone . To be honest , certificates of participation in various MUN conferences looks great on a college application and since we live in a highly competitive society this was also a motive .
ΑΠΟΤΥΠΩΜΑΤΑ that , you are probably asking yourself what actuated me to be a part of a demanding activity like this , while also juggling school and exams . Well , MUN seems to be one of the most creative ways to get an insight into politics , debating and drafting innovating solutions for modern problems . What is more , one develops a certain sense of confidence , while enhancing time management , observation and soft skills . Of course , all these advantages arose a while after I started taking part in conferences , before that , the main reasons for my involvement were the fact that I wanted to test my limits and challenge myself into doing something out of my comfort zone . To be honest , certificates of participation in various MUN conferences looks great on a college application and since we live in a highly competitive society this was also a motive .
As I previously stated I have participated in numerous conferences , both at a national and at an international level . There were two that really stood out . The first one , would be the 14th CGS MUN ( Kosteas Geitonas ) mostly due to sentimental reasons . This was my first insight into the MUN world and sadly the last live conference in which I ever participated . The excitement I felt during these three days of fruitful debate regarding cyber governance was simply too intense to describe in words . I could have never pictured myself speaking with so many people and discussing topics so far of , what I thought , were my interests . Another impressive and high-level international conference was the one hosted by Roberts College in 2021 , which featured the topic of recognizing patterns in international relations against preventable damage . Two aspects stood out in this one . Firstly , one had the chance to meet students coming from a wide selection of countries and endorsing completely different ideologies . Apart from that , there was a crisis topic , which contributed to being closer to a diplomat ’ s reality . Specifically , for diplomats and members of the Foreign Service , situations often arise where one must respond to a recent event immediately , meaning that sometimes there isn ’ t time to wait for all the information to arrive or to draft a thorough resolution and debate the fine nuances of the phrasing . Thus , crises allow a more fluid flow of debate because of the everchanging circumstances and the constant influx of new information .
In all these conferences I confronted and debated upon various issues , mainly regarding strictly political matters as I tend to prefer the Special Political and Decolonization Committee ( GA4 ). Topics of high interest due to their prevalence , complexity and relevance are the following : “ Addressing the Issue of Information Accuracy in Mass Media Corporations ”,
“ Preventing Electoral Fraud ”, “ The impact of social media in the realm of politics ” and “ Sustaining peace through international political and military partnerships ”. In addition to these , there were also issues that I found particularly captivating as they urged one to analyze incidents that deal with specific regions such as and not limited to : “ Promoting peace in the Caucasus region ” and “ Mediating the Kashmir Conflict ”.
MUN has helped me develop as a person , on both a social and an academic level . We are like a community , where there is trust and a common goal . Besides having grown to be more communicative and less reluctant when it comes to sharing my point of view , I am keener on trying new activities , taking part in projects and exploring different options . The specific activity can also prove highly beneficial in the person ’ s work life , as it enhances leadership skills and can even influence one ’ s choice of studies pushing them towards the fields of law . It has also been the ultimate learning experience since I acquired not only the mentality of getting frequently informed about today ’ s world , but also got to expand my knowledge in history , while studying various speeches of modern politicians . On this note , I would like to mention a part of the speech that Jesse Jackson , an activist ,

Vision Racing

Ονομάζομαι Μιχάλης Κωτσοβός και είμαι ο Marketing Manager της ομάδας Vision Racing . Η Vision Racing είναι μια ομάδα που συμμετέχει στον διαγωνισμό Formula 1 in Schools και φέτος εκπροσωπούμε την Ελλάδα στον Παγκόσμιο Τελικό στην Αγγλία τον Ιούλιο του 2022 .
Ο διαγωνισμός αυτός είναι ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους διαγωνισμούς STEM και νεανικής επιχειρηματικότητας παγκοσμίως και διεξάγεται στα πρότυπα της Formula 1 . Καλούμαστε να φτιάξουμε ένα μοντέλο αγωνιστικού μονοθέσιου και παράλληλα προωθώντας την ομάδα μας να εξασφαλίσουμε το απαραίτητο budget του project αυτού , όπως ακριβώς συμβαίνει και στην Formula 1 . Για αυτό , λοιπόν , η ομάδα μας χωρίζεται σε δύο κλάδους , τον κατασκευαστικό - τεχνικό κλάδο που ασχολείται με τις τεχνικές προδιαγραφές κατασκευής του μοντέλου και τον οικονομικό - επιχειρηματικό κλάδο που ασχολείται με τον καταμερισμό αρμοδιοτήτων , την οργάνωση της ομάδας και την εύρεση πόρων .
Έχοντας πετύχει σημαντικά βραβεία τα τελευταία χρόνια , όπως το βραβείο γρηγορότερου αυτοκινήτου για δύο συνεχόμενες χρονιές , την κατάκτηση της 4ης θέσης και το βραβείο της Scuderia Ferrari για την καλύτερη ταυτότητα ομάδας μπορούμε να ελπίζουμε φέτος στην κατάκτηση της 1ης θέσης σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο . Αλλά τι μαθαίνουμε μέσω του διαγωνισμού αυτού ;