Šifra mládí 7 / Youth Code 7 Šifra mládí 7 | Page 43

is involved in many metabolically important processes in the body . Its most important cellbased functions include particularly signiicant regenerative effects on cells and their metabolism , including antioxidant processes . The result is a strong anti-ageing effect as well as a high level of safety and hypoallergenic content from the body ’ s own substances .
If you can see the irst signs of ageing , a few wrinkles here and there , your skin looks tired or dull , or you want to remove excess pigmentation , this is the right procedure for you . Moreover , it reduces convalescence after other aesthetic procedures . But that is not all !
Redermatization affects the skin in 3 basic ways :
1 . It is inhibited by the metabolic processes in the skin , which has a positive effect on cellular regeneration , ionic management and the boost of collagen and elastin protein production .
2 . It signiicantly inluences antioxidant processes that prevent free radicals and premature cell ageing .
3 . Due to the content of hyaluronic acid the skin gets a signiicantly higher level of hydration .
The solution is applied with a thin needle to the upper layer of the skin , on which is formed a small lump illed with a solution which is very
Just in three sessions , visible improvements of the structure , elasticity and quality of the skin appear . PRP can be applied topically or delivered into the face in form of injectable mesotherapy . Thus , if you are keen to rejuvenate naturally , prevent the ageing process , and reduce the number of wrinkles than PRP application is the right procedure for you .
Fat chins , double chin , the face blended into the neck , all of those phenomena bother over 67 % of the population . Many people try to hide it with fashion ; few are brave enough to undergo liposuction . 2017 novelty will help all of you who suffer with the above-mentioned problems .
quickly absorbed . Subsequently , visible skin restoration occurs within 3-4 days , the full effect of redermalization is achieved within 2-3 weeks . Whether you have an important meeting , preparing for a Christmas party your boss is throwing or just want to freshen up your look , book an appointment with one of our specialists who will be happy to help you .
Have you ever heard that the secret of youth lies within our own blood ? The Swiss method of biorejuvenation RegenPlasma ® helps to prove it . To perform the treatment , it is necessary to obtain a small amount of the patients ’ blood , then spinning it in a centrifuge helps to receive Platelet-rich plasma ( PRP ) which is an autologous concentrated cocktail with good regenerative potential , that stimulates the formation of new collagen cells and elastin in the skin .
BELKYRA ® is an individually tailored , injectable treatment that permanently destroys fat cells . Discovered in the United States , Belkyra has been under development for over a decade , and was released in Australia earlier this year . Belkyra , a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid , a substance your body produces to help absorb fats , is a prescriptive medication that destroys fat cells under the chin . Forever ! Injections contain a naturally occurring molecule , which eats away the fat cells , leaving skin substantially tighter and the jaw more deined and contoured . Having a strong jawline is often associated with youthfulness , conidence and strength of character , it is a facial feature both men and women really desire . More than 20 studies with thousands of patients have shown that almost 70 % noted both physical and emotional improvement after treatment , and many beauty experts are calling Belkyra “ the next Botox ” !
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