Myths and facts about laser hair removal
Myth: Hair after the procedure will disappear for a year, then completely dissipates and never penetrates deeper
and then grow again. than the skin!
Fact: If you go through the right course and follow the re-
commendations, then the hair will go away once and for
Myth: It hurts.
all. The correct course includes 3 to 7 procedures at inter-
vals of 1 to 1.5 months. However, there are cases when dor- Fact: It would be strange to assure you that laser hair re-
mant follicles which were never previously active and, as a moval is completely painless. On the other hand - some
result, not processed by laser during the course, wake up discomfort in this case is incomparable, for example, with
during hormonal failures. For example, this could occur du- wax epilation. In addition, modern lasers have systems that
ring pregnancy or during menopause, but it is impossible to reduce pain. For example, our lasers apply a cooling sys-
predict whether this could happen in any individual case, tem after a flash. If the patient, however, has a particularly
although these cases are not very common. sensitive skin, or is considering epilation of a sensitive area
- it is worth using a local anaesthetic cream.
Myth: You can not do hair removal in summer.
Myth: After the procedure, the hair grows even more rigid,
Fact: The time of year is not affected by the effectiveness
the amount increases.
and safety of the procedure. However, this myth did not
appear spontaneously, it is connected with the actual re- Fact: The opposite is true. With each procedure, the hair
striction on the procedure - tanning. You cannot sunbathe becomes less and less. Laser-treated hair follicles no longer
or go to the tanning salon before or after the procedure. germinate. Why then is it impossible to go through one pro-
cedure and get rid of hair permanently? The fact is that a
person never grows all his hair at once. In the active phase,
Myth: Laser hair removal can damage internal organs.
as a rule, about 30% of the follicles are located. Accordin-
gly, they are lasered and removed; but dormant follicles
Fact: The depth of penetration of the laser beam during cannot be removed, which is why you need to undergo a
epilation is 1-4 mm. It reaches its target of the hair follicles, course of procedures.
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