Detoxification is the psychological and medical healing process through which tox-
ins are removed or reduced to manageable levels from the body system. It mainly
involves the cleansing of your blood to get rid of the toxins. Detoxification treatment
has significant effects on the body system. The following are some of the methods
used in detoxifying an organism.
Feeling bloated and unfit after the Christmas and winter season? Spring is the time for a swift and efficient
detox and it is easier than you may think.
Diet therapy Device therapy
ticking to a moderate diet chart plays a crucial role in de-
contaminating your body system and blood. However, it
is an imperative process that requires being performed
under supervision from a professional. (e.g. based on vegetables
only, or eating few days only fruit, juices, nuts, or only drinking
water, drinking special teas) o lose weight, you need to first boost your body’s me-
tabolism and get rid of toxins. Try to increase your
lymphatic system with Mantis MR. This vacuum
endo-massage combines vacuum skin treatment and massage
using rotating cylinders. It activates microcirculation and opens
the lymph channels; osmotic exchange is restored and the tis-
sues are properly oxygenated. There is an increase in blood flow
and stimulation of fibroblasts immediately after the treatment.
This represents a significant strengthening and toning effect on
tissues. This way the boosted metabolism helps flush out all tox-
ic substances which are sent to the kidneys, and other organs,
to be removed while supplying oxygen, which is so necessary
to tissues.
The treatment by the MANTIS MR device is unique mainly
because of the combination of vacuum endo-massage together
with an active pulse magnetic field. The range of applications
are also unique including:
Vitamin therapy
arious vitamins and minerals have a positive impact
on your body. They are mainly obtained from fruits
and grains. Pollution has led to contamination of
these sources and one can be prescribed natural supplements,
which help in removing toxins from your blood. (Vitamins are
divided by their common physical characteristics. Most often,
according to dissolvability into two groups hydrophilic - water-
soluble (B and C), lipophilic - fat-soluble (A, D, E, K), the best
source of vitamins is undoubtedly food)
Fasting therapy
s far as blood purification and detoxification are con-
cerned, fasting has always been considered to be the
best cure. However, doctors discourage the practice to
some people as they might become weaker. Under some cir-
cumstances, fasting could lead to other health complications.
16 | YOUTH CODE 6 | 2017
Slowing down or even stopping the aging process
Local activation of lipolytic processes (reducing fat cells)
▶ ▶ Antioxidant function
▶ ▶ Increasing the amount of hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts and tis-
sue elasticity
▶ ▶ Improving immunity and microcirculation
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