Aesthetic medicine - AS A MOTTO
Dr. Nino Mchedlidze, MSc.
Mediestetik clinic CEO
„To improve the quality of life; to preserve youth, beauty, and
health. To develop a leading network of international aesthetic
medicine clinics with the years of experience, innovative tech-
nology, and corporate professionalism.”“ – our mission.
Aesthetic medicine deals with the constant desire to show
oneself at one’s best to society; it develops psychological
health through self-acceptance, or more precisely – it im-
proves the quality of life.
For our team, renewal - is an on-going daily process. End-
less striving to improve, is the basic philosophy of our group
of clinics.
All the time we adopt something new: methods, technolo-
gies, and materials. We constantly adapt and consider the
complex to the even seemingly simple; from the beginning:
the knowledge of our staff, new devices for doctors; to the
end with even banal items such as the uniforms of our recep-
tionists. However, what is important is not to get lost in the
turbulent stream of innovations, or to carry on with the over
ambitious claims and techniques in medicine, but to choose
Providing our patients with only innovative solutions is
not our primary mission. Our goal is more complex: we offer
the best selection of all modern treatments in aesthetic der-
matology and dentistry reliant on evidence-based medicine.
This mission requires ongoing training of our doctors in or-
der to achieve and develop specialist, high-level knowledge
and responsibility. We can assure you therefore that we are
not here to improve your appearance but to preserve your
health and natural beauty.
S I X - M O N T H LY M A G A Z I N E B Y G R O U P O F C L I N I C S M E D I E S T E T I K
‘‘Youth Code’’ - a six-month periodical of Mediestetik clinic
registered by the Ministry of Culture under the registration number MK CR E 22898
Chief Editor | Dr. Nino Mchedlidze, MSc.
Editor | Mgr. Dar Jana
Graphic design | PhDr. Jan Veselý, MBA
Editorial board and publisher | Mediestetik Ltd., Senovážné náměstí 23, Prague 1
ISSN 2570-5199
Released 24th April 2017 at Mediestetik’s own
expense with the number of 3000 copies
Distributed free of charge.
Printed Durabo – Na Stráni 1301, 250 88 Čelákovice
2 | YOUTH CODE 6 | 2017
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