Okul Giresun Kanuni Ortaokulu
Öğretmen Tuğba Sağlam
Sınıf 8-A
Ders İngilizce
5. Faz Öğrenme
Aktiviteleri Proje tabanlı etkinlikler
Öğretim Metodu Beyin fırtınası, araştırma, haritalama
Öğrenme Hikayesi Şehrimizin Turizm Rehberi
Konu Talking about past events
Describing places
Describing the weather
Süre 80 dk
Kaynaklar Ders Kitabı, Kültür ve Turizm müdürlüğünden alınacak olan bir kitapçık ya da broşür,
etkileşimli tahta, Eba Ders, Eba video
Ne Öğreneceğiz Students will be able to understand and extract the essential information from short,
recorded passages dealing with tourism which is delivered slowly and clearly.
Students will be able to exchange information on topics related to tourism and
popular tourist attractions.
Students will be able to describe their favorite tourist attractions by giving information
about their location, important features and weather.
Students will be able to read various texts such as advertisements, brochures, maps,
etc. on tourism to find specific information.
Students will be able to design a brochure, advertisement or a postcard about their
favorite tourist attraction/s.
Video yapma araçları, mindmeister, joomag, canva