Équipements récréatifs Catalogue Woodville | Page 8

Woodville Combi.01 (m) (‘-‘‘) 3,6 x 6,0 x 4,0 11-11 x 19-8 x 13-0 EN 1176 (m) 9,0 x 6,8 ASTM/CSA(m) 9,9 x 7,3 ASTM/CSA (‘-‘‘) 32-3 x 24-0 (m) (‘-‘‘) 1,9 6-3 3 This combination of shacks which are connected through a support post, has an entrance in the shape of a triangular balcony. A rope ladder, rocking-plate ascent, climbing rope and an access net ensure a variety of climbing options, before you swiftly slide back down the slide. 8 Berliner Woodville