Équipements récréatifs Catalogue - Joe Brown | Page 3

The Cube (m) (‘-‘‘) 3,6 x 4,2 x 3,7 11-11 x 13-7 x 12-2 EN 1176 (m) 8,2 x 7,6 ASTM/CSA(m) 7,8 x 7,3 ASTM/CSA (‘-‘‘) 25-8 x 23-10 (m) (‘-‘‘) 2,28 7-6 3 “Natural” fun is also provided by the second model of the Joe Brown Collection. The Cube makes use of two classic playground designs. The space net offers kids maximal development possibilities when climbing and romping about. Wood as a natural material provides warmth and blends into the surroundings. In addition, The Cube impresses through its futuristic design. Berliner Joe Brown Collection 3