Have Fun while playing safe
Places to learn and grow
“ That ’ s pretty high up here ! Can I do it ? Do I dare ?” In those moments at the playground , when children ask themselves such questions , they learn to recognize and cope with hazards . These learning processes are essential for children later in life . Whether at the wheel of a car , on the slopes on a skiing holiday , or the ladder at work – every day , we encounter risks requiring the adequate self-assessment . Therefore , mastering new challenges and taking personal responsibility should be learned at an early age . The playground is the perfect place for it .
The European Safety Standard DIN EN 1176 and the American Standard ASTM specify requirements for playground equipment that are intended to protect children from unpredictable , unforeseeable hazards and accidents with disabling or fatal consequences . At the same time , the standards acknowledge a certain level of risk by stating that “ risk-taking is an essential feature of play provision ” and play provision should aim at offering children “ the chance to encounter acceptable risks as part of a stimulating , challenging and controlled learning environment .” On the other hand , overprotectiveness can lead to playgrounds completely losing their learning function .
Since the standards came into existence , serious accidents on European and American children ’ s playgrounds have become extremely rare . As a member of the Standards Committees , Berliner Seilfabrik participated in shaping the standard in the field of the spatial net due to its expertise . The following three essential findings are of particular importance :
1 The playing child has at least three safety points on the equipment to move forward
2 Involuntary falls through are not possible with a suitable mesh size
3 With play equipment that narrows towards the top , you always fall vertically either internally into the next net section or from the most outer part of the climbing structure to the safety surfacing below .
40 Berliner
Play equipment for life