Équipements récréatifs Catalogue - Berliner Jeu de câbles | Page 42

Great Fun for small Children

Early motor and psychomotor development are important for children later in life . With this in mind , it ’ s important to nurture and challenge children from the earliest age . That ’ s why we launched our Spooky Rookies product group in 2016 , which is particularly aimed at younger toddlers . We developed small playhouses that are specially adapted to their needs . Here , the first climbing attempts can be made , and the world can be experienced haptically in a new way . In the meantime , our range of products also includes the Wonderwalls . Between four walls , which are fanned out around a central post in imaginative themed designs , each of the play units creates several play worlds , which are connected to each other by windows and passages . A multitude of products from our other product groups also offer nursery children tons of fun as well as many opportunities to develop .
It ’ s important to create a safe and comprehensive range of play possibilities for this age group , so they can improve their social and motor skills . Classic playground activities such as using the swing or slide are just as popular as opportunities to acquire everyday skills in role play . Because even simple elements give the little ones the chance to try things out here and there and to develop new skills .
Bridges with rubber membranes or small-meshed nets are very popular and train the balance for the next developmental step – whether it ’ s standing , running , hopping , or even riding a bicycle .
Small nets offer the chance to gain initial experience in climbing in three-dimensional space . This also offers opportunity to meet another need at the same time . Children want to be high up ! They enjoy the view or the overview . Here , everything is as beautiful as on daddy ’ s arm and you are finally taller than your older sibling .
Sand Workshop
Having mastered one step of their development , children are keen to move straight onto the next challenge . It ’ s exciting for young children learning to walk up and down ramps , master narrow walkways , or walk on uneven floors .
In the case of sliding , it should be possible for them to reach the slide on their own . As for climbing there , it would be beneficial to provide various levels of difficulty . Nets , ladders , ramps or even steps offer a wide variety . In addition , closer observation shows that ascent or descent can in itself be their goal .
36 Berliner
Play equipment for life