ZOUK MAGAZINE (English Edition) ISSUE 3 | Page 8

you don’t have to go into the details, we can avail ourselves of the shopworn system by Francesc Pujols consistent in asserting that there is always a current tradition hidden under the rivers of the official history. It is quite simple and draws a line from the medieval cookbooks to La Teca published by IgnasiDomenech in the twenties passing by the decisive influence of the French and Italian Illustrations. Well, we arrived at the gates of the Second Republic with a corpus seated that combines with naturally popular cuisine with a desire to catalog the scientistic culinary wisdom accumulated in the image of some large similar projects undertaken at the time. For example, Joan Vila from the restored Generalitat and their sheets of recipes that we can refer to the box where Mossèn Alcover and Pom- peu Fabra compiled buzzwords or of Josep Rondissoni in front of the very educational cooking schools clearly inspired by the first systematized training labor of women sponsored by the Prat de la Riba’s Mancomunitat. I find hard to see in these names a THE ENTIRE POSTWAR FOODIE LITERATURE HAS BEEN MARKED FOR THE MUSTY AND RAREFIED AIR OF JOSEP PLA first star system comparable to the current cooks as the exhibition curator would like to note, basically because of the importance of the cult of personality prevailing in the present and because of their profiles correspond more to the scholar gourmet than