Zoon Mimarlık Zoon Firma Kartela Kitap 02.08.2018 | Page 4

CO-FOUNDER EMRE OZAN ACAR ONUR KAMİL TAN Emre Ozan Acar who was born in 1982 in Ankara, started his postgraduate studies on architecture after graduating from the architecture department of Yildiz Teknik University in 2004. At the same time, he graduated from business administration as well. In 2005, he was accepted to Vienna University of Technology as a master student. In 2009, he came back to Turkey as an Msc Architect after completing his masters degree after 5 years. He worked in different companies and also did his own projects both in Turkey and oth- er countries from 2003 to 2010. He carries on his work about design, architectural practice and projects with his co-founder Onur Onur Kamil Tan was born in Kayseri in 1981. After graduat- ing from Architectural studies at Yildiz Teknik University in 2006, he started his postgraduate studies on architecture at the same university. In 2007, he suspended his studies and went to Ukrain to work on large-scale projects as an architect. After coming back to Turkey in 2009, he worked in various companies in addition to the projects he did by him- self. He carries on his work about design, architectural practice and projects with his co-founder Emre Ozan Acar in Zoon Architecture. CO-FOUNDER