Zoom Feb 2014 | Page 2



What is the real problem?

Your in a hurry, you race I to your favorite grocery story, your late for a party and you told them you would bring pie. OUT. Moments later your telling (yelling) at the bakery clerk about how ridiculous it is that their out and how much of an outrage their production of pies is.

Now what's the real problem?

You need to deliver and now you can't! You'll look silly and let people down.

What you DONT need from the clerk is information about their pie production. What you NEED is an SOLUTION!

Sometimes as business people we have a tough time recognizing that people generally don't care what the reason for the problem is. Now we care because we're so intimately familiar with the process and quite honestly we need to understand why something went wrong so we can fix it.

But our business is always, always, always about the customer.

Case and point I had a client that had received some pictures from me from a 50th anniversary party. They loved the pictures but his mom was having trouble opening the pictures on her computer. Could I have called we and helped her through making it work? Probably...but that's not was needed.

What I heard him say was

"Steven, I have a problem and I need you to fix it."

I didn't hear

"I need a computer tech."

So I told him I would fix it and send him a couple of USB drives with the photos for him and his mom. They were very pleased and the problem or me was thankfully very easy to fix.

What are some times you have either given or received great customer service where they were great at fixing the problem rather than educating you?
