The Right to an Education
By Nicolas Joncour
Translated into English from French by:
Laurence Le Blet, Nicholas’ mother
decent life in France is practically imposlove that I do not feel alone. I think I have the
sible for an autistic student, especially
right to denounce my condition and my social
if you are nonverbal like me. In spediscrimination as long as I would suffer of it.
cial schools there is no real education, and the
The right to a dignified life is my fight, and I
psychiatric hospital remains the norm. As my
recently joined the ENIL Youth Network to cremother encounters more and more difficulties
ate change. Nonverbal autistic people demand
to enroll me in a normal school, the only solurecognition of their right to a real education.
tion to an equal opportunity
is maybe to leave France.
“A decent life in France My life would be rather
I want to go to university
is practically impossible simple if people would conto study the Holocaust as
sider me as a person rather
people with disabilities are
than a thing to eradicate. I
still destined to horrific fates.
want my intelligence to be
recognized without having
nonverbal like me.”
My hope is to study history
to meet the low expectations
and the Holocaust, a subject that has intrigued
of people who doubt me. The peculiarity of my
me for almost six years. Specifically, Operation
disability is that I understand very well what
T4, which is the eradication of the people with
kind of people I have to deal with. The inability
disabilities by the Nazis. Perhaps the Holocaust
to defend myself makes me vulnerable to all atinterests me because I feel the discrimination in
tacks. Not being able to express oneself orally is
relation to my disability. The eyes of others are
a very hard way to live.
like deportation camps without return for me.
People do not consider my written prose withWithout my mother I would likely be in a psyout doubt. Not even my relatives who do not
chiatric hospital. The right to education defiunderstand autism. To be recognized, mentalinitely remains the domain of utopia. The more I
ties must change, and the way we move, having
grow, the more I realize I do not have my place
no eye contact and no speech, shouldn’t exclude
in society. I have to fight to deserve to dream.
us from living a fulfilled life. For this to happen,
My disability, autism and dyspraxia, makes me
we need the right to education, an education
look like a mentally-challenged person. People
which mustn’t be negotiable and should be actalk to me as if I am a small child, and they
cessible to all.
watch my gestures as if I am a monster.
The reality is that all their looks are like the slam
of a cattle wagon door. My connections towards
the victims of Operation T4 are very strong,
and my reality joins their fatal destiny. I have
faith that helps me, and God gives me so much
ZOOM Autism through Many Lenses
“My life would be
rather simple
if people would
consider me as
a person rather
than a thing
to eradicate.”
Nicolas Joncour is a 16-year-old nonverbal autistic student who types. He lives in France and is
homeschooled and in mainstream school for a few
hours per week.
Follow him on Facebook and visit his blog.
ZOOM Autism through Many Lenses