Zone 3 spring 2017 | Page 32

QC | Zone 3 | Winter 2017

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Expires 3 / 31 / 2017

Baked Tuscan Chicken

• Four chicken breasts
• One large lemon , zested
• 2 Tbs Tony ’ s Tuscan Seasoning
• 1 Tbs minced garlic
Preheat oven to 350˚ F .
Combine lemon zest with Tony ’ s Tuscan Seasoning , garlic , and 1 Tbsp olive oil . Stir to combine .
Cover the chicken breasts with the seasoning paste . Place chicken in a baking dish and bake for approximately 30 minutes , until the internal temperature reaches 160˚ F .
Meanwhile , heat a pan over medium heat , and cook the pancetta slices until crisp . Cool slightly , then chop .
Serve chicken topped with pancetta , and a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar . Excellent atop a simple salad or pasta .
• 2-4 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
• 4 slices pancetta ( optional )
• 1-2 Tbs balsamic vinegar

Since 1978 , families have trusted their everyday meals to Tony ’ s !

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QC QC | | Zone 3 | 3 Winter | 2017 2017


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Boneless , Skinless , Chicken Breasts
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Expires 3 / 31 3 / 31 2017 / 2017
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QC | Zone 3 | Winter 2017


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Tony ’ s Famous Twice Baked Potatoes
( Limit 1 Free , Max . $ 3.00 Value )
Expires 3 / 31 / 2017
One coupon per customer . Coupons & offers cannot be combined . Can only be used once in a single transaction & is non-transferable . No cash value & no change will be given . Digital , copied , damaged , defaced or expired coupons won ’ t be accepted & coupons are not valid on previous purchases . You are responsible for sales tax , where applicable . Coupon remains the property of Tony ’ s Market & is not for resale or publication . Coupon must be submitted at the time of redemption .
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12 / 19 / 16 2:03 PM
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