Zone 3 spring 2017 | Page 28

All-you-can-eat ribs every Thursday , 4pm to close !
Southern Hospitality
Southern Hospitality
Southern Hospitality

Always mplimentary onsultations

ll today to schedule a one-hour consultation with Dr . Dan .
Two Convenient astle Rock locations :
In the Meadows 93 Limelight Avenue B , Castle Rock 80109
ar Founders / Terrain . Ridge Road Suite D , Castle Rock 80104


Southern Hospitality

All-you-can-eat ribs every Thursday , 4pm to close !

7431 Park Meadows Drive • Lone Tree , CO 80124 720.274.8660 • WWW . SHBARBECUE . COM
Southern Hospitality

Buy 1 , Get 1 FREE Lunch or Dinner

Entree only
Expires 3 / 31 / 17 . Excludes holidays . Free entree must be of equal or lesser value . One offer per bill . Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion .
Southern Hospitality

FREE Draft Beer or Well Drink with any purchase

Expires 3 / 31 / 17 . One offer per person . Excludes holidays . Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion .
Southern Hospitality

Buy 1 , Get 1 FREE Sat / Sun Brunch

Entree only
Expires 3 / 31 / 2017 . Free entree must be of equal or lesser value . Excludes holidays . One offer per table . Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion .
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