Progressive Culture, Jeremy Garnett p.16
Constructing an Argument, Valentina Cano p.18
Celestial, Valentina Cano p.18
Both of Us, Alone, Valentina Cano p.19
Alchemy, Valeri Beers p.29
Telepathy, Kenneth P. Gurney p41
Evolution, Roy Moller p54
My Child, Paula Acton p56
Constant, Adreyo Sen p58
Circle, Adreyo Sen p58
Dreaming, Adreyo Sen p59
The Birth of Shiva, JoAnne McKay p96
Moment, JoAnne McKay p97
Coyote Woman Becomes Raven (Parts 1 and 2), Raven Joy p102
Hangar Lane: 6.20am, Anne Britting Oleson p104
Current, Anne Britting Oleson p105
The Painful Truth, Hard to Admit, Morgan O’Connor p115
Concrete, Gordon Robert Johnstone p126
Demise, Gale Acuff p138
Another Life, Steve Klepetar p148
Two Days, Steve Klepetar p149