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News Briefs
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President Rolls Out Broad Initiatives to Address Climate Change In a June 25 speech , President Obama presented his national climate action plan to reduce greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions and prepare for potential impacts from climate change . Invoking his executive authority , the President directed the EPA to work with states , industry , and other stakeholders to develop a proposed rule to regulate GHG emissions from existing coal- and gas-fired power plants by June 2014 and to finalize it a year later . EPA also is to re-propose its rule limiting GHG emissions from new power plants in September 2013 , establishing separate standards for coal- and gasfired units . The President also directed EPA to expand on initiatives for tightening fuel economy standards for heavy-duty trucks , buses , and vans beyond model year 2018 ; discussed expansion of programs for making commercial , industrial , and multi-family buildings 20 percent more energy efficient by 2020 ; and described incentives to further reduce emissions of hydrofluorocarbons ( HFCs ), while phasing out the most potent forms of HFCs . The President also directed EPA to collaborate with the Departments of Agriculture , Energy , Interior , Labor , and Transportation to develop a comprehensive , interagency methane emission reduction strategy . For more information , contact Lou Corio at 410.312.7912 or lcorio @ zephyrenv . com .
EPA Proposes 2008 Ozone Air Quality Standard Implementation Rules On May 29 , EPA proposed requirements for implementing the 2008 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard ( NAAQS ) of 0.075 parts per million , an action long delayed by EPA ’ s reconsideration of the standard , which began in 2009 . EPA ’ s proposal addresses State Implementation Plan ( SIP ) requirements , the revocation of the 1997 ozone standard beyond that for transportation conformity , and antibacksliding requirements for revoked and 2008 ozone NAAQS nonattainment areas . The proposal allows states to submit a “ consolidated SIP ” ( all SIP requirements together ) within 30 months of the designation of an area as nonattainment in lieu of submitting SIP requirements separately according to various Clean Air Act-stipulated deadlines . Also , the proposal allows substitution of nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) for all or part of required volatile organic compound ( VOC ) reductions to promote reasonable further progress toward attaining the standard in moderate or worse nonattainment areas . For more information , contact Roger Brower at 410.312.7907 or rbrower @ zephyrenv . com .
BLM Extends Public Comment Period on Proposed Hydraulic Fracturing Rule On June 7 , the Bureau of Land Management announced that it would extend the public comment period for its proposed rule to regulate hydraulic fracturing in the production of oil and gas on public and Indian lands . The 60-day extension would extend the comment period through August 23 . The draft regulations require operators to disclose chemicals used during fracturing operations , improve well integrity testing assurance procedures , and create water management plans for flowback fluids . For more information , contact Eric Quiat at 512.579.3823 or equiat @ zephyrenv . com .
EPA Issues Interim Guidance on “ Exceptional Events ” Rule On May 10 , EPA issued interim guidance to provide clarification on defining “ exceptional events ” ( for example , high winds and wildfires that can lead to elevated pollution levels ) which are excluded from determinations related to violations of a NAAQS . The interim guidance also provides examples of demonstrations of exceptional events that are approved by EPA . EPA anticipates finalizing a revised Exceptional Events Rule by early 2015 . For more information , contact Bill Jones at 410.312.7910 or bjones @ zephyrenv . com .
EPA Proposes Effluent Limitations and Standards for Steam Electric Power Plants On June 7 , EPA proposed new regulations that would reduce discharges of toxic metals and pollutants found in ash and air pollution control waste streams . The proposed revisions include four alternatives that are anticipated to reduce the amount of toxic metals and other pollutants discharged from existing power plants . These requirements will primarily impact coal-fired units . For more information , contact Dave Sorrells at 512.879.6626 or dsorrells @ zephyrenv . com .