Zenspiration Magazine January Issue | Page 10

A Dose of Zenspiration \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Make A Date With Sunshine To get the healthy summer glow and become a sunshine goddess you don’t have to bake your skin to trauma. Like all things in nature we need a daily dose of sunshine to help top up our vitamin D levels. Simply spend twenty minutes in the midmorning sunshine reading a book, people watching or savouring the moment. If you are stuck at work for the day, then make sure that you get outside for your tea or lunch break. Let the warmth of the sun infuse you with vitamins, energy and happiness. Sea Salt Spray Create sexy beach tresses by spraying your damp hair with a Sea Salt Spray and then scrunch your hair and leave to dry naturally. You could also try running a curling iron through your dried sea salt hair for a little more glam look. Most of the sea mist sprays that you can buy are simply superfluous. Not to mention expensive and full of chemicals. Instead, arm yourself with this homemade Sea Salt Spray to bring the beach to you. This DIY hair product is simple, cheap and makes you look like you've just stepped off your favorite shoreline Here's what you'll need: 1 cup of water 4 or 5 drops of the essential oil of your choosing, think beachy (vanilla or coconut) 2 teaspoons of sea salt Spray bottle (you're bound to have one available for reuse from an old or outdated product) Here's what to do: Just load your ingredients into your spray bottle that's it! Connect With Your Beach Goddess ZENSPIRATION.ORG 10