ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 842

Entrant point of view toward their environment is essential to build an assumption of the comfort level perspective. • Question 3: How do you describe the relationship between you and your environment? (Table 4) Table 4: Participant connection to their surroundings Feel connected No specific feeling I feel disconnect- Any comment to and satisfied ed and uncomadd further fortable All Data 26 (34.21%) 33 (43.42%) 19 (25%) 3 (3.95%) Responses 76 In the following question, answers will paint a picture of the audience opinion toward indoor presence. • Question 4: Do you think adding more greenery elements may affect you? (Table 5) Table 5: Participant perception about adding indoor plants All Data Yes, Positively Yes, negatively No Standard Deviation Responses 63 (96.92%) 1 (1.54%) 1 (1.54%) 29.23 65 As mentioned before, indoor pollution could be one of the reasons of lung diseases and sick building syndrome because of less ventilation and poor air quality. Therefore, participants were asked the two following questions: • Question 5: Do you feel any symptoms during being in the place you chose in earlier question? (Table 6) Table 6: Participant feeling of symptoms All Data Yes No Standard Deviation Responses 30 (39.47%) 46 (60.53%) 8 76 • Question 6:If yes, can you specify one of the following symptoms that you suffer from? (Table 7) Table 7: More specific symptoms All Data Headache Dizziness Eye pain Coughing Sneezing 18 (48.65%) 12 (32.43%) 5 (13.51%) 6 (16.22%) 8 (21.62%) Other symp- Responses toms please specify 5 (13.51%) 37 In this section, there is a small experiment to be conducted; the purpose of this is to observe the level of psychological satisfaction for building users when plants are present or absent. Participants rated their level of satisfaction for each photo they were shown, and the results are shown in the following tables below (Table 8, 9 and 10). In the study, the working indoor environment has been taken into consideration where putting greenery plants into an office space and also allowing the audience to choose which conditions are better in terms of before or after adding those plants/pots as shown below (Fig.8). 840 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy