ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 709

Figure 3: Building A today: N-W view, h 48,17 plan and h 45,30 plan, S-E view prestressed concrete beams were put into place, responding to the principles of the construction elements of prefabrication and standardization. From the checks carried out, while from a static perspective there emerged no problems with the buildings, from an energy perspective, instead, many shortcomings were revealed. As well, despite the designer having thought of a building system equipped with many facilities and linking passageways, there is a very scarse use of these and a widespread deterioration in the pilotis levels, the balconied galleries and the connecting spaces. Therefore, the work of renovation, both on a distributive-functional level and an energy one, was tackled. Functionally, the pilotis level was redesigned to be used for garages, storage space and technical cabins; the stairs had an entrance directly accessible to the garage level, thus, creating a direct link between the different levels and, furthermore, the demolition of the exterior stairs was proposed. The rethinking regarding the duplex apartments, but maintaining the original number of units, led to a new and more modern distribution of the apartments with a clear internal subdivision4, of the same size and perimeter. Some of the simplex apartments were redesigned creating balconied galleries near the stairwell between one apartment and another, and the interior space was redesigned to accommodate a couple or a single person, also rendering them accessible for disabled people. Besides the changes in the use of the single apartments and the buildings, the problem regarding the entire suburb was tackled, where the functional obsolescence of the construction was combined with a lack of use of the community spaces and the commercial and/or social facilities. In fact, it was important that the renovation project had to take into account the whole context, also planning for the redevelopment of the outside space and, particularly, focusing on the solution for the ground anchoring of the building so as to restore the connection between the well-constructed and planned, but unused, exterior spaces and the private interior ones. Energy retrofit for Rome municipality’s residential real estate (ATER) 707