ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 633

affect the guest visual and thermal comfort. The light shelf will be placed on the windows in order to control the amount of sunlight entering the place, to shade the area near the window and also to reduce the window glare. This shelf is a simple horizontal surface device, installed above the eyelevel with a high reflectance surface material. The light shelf avoids the direct light entering the space. It redirect the light to the ceiling surface, since ceiling surface is made of reflective material it reflect and distribute maximum amount of light required in the space (Wulfinghoff 1999). After applying the light shelf: After applying the light shelf to the cafe restaurant, the amount of daylight level was reduced inside the space from 88% to 48%. The light shelf provided uniform light distribution inside the space, reduced the glare level and reduced the heat inside the zone. As the light level inside the space decreased, the heat inside the place also reduced. Strategy 2 – Glazing The cafe restaurant widows are oriented towards the east, and the window glazing is exposed to an enormous amount of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. According to analysis by Autodesk Ecotect Analysis software, the cafe restaurant glazing absorbs and transmits a huge of heat to the space, which makes the space lose its thermal quality. The amount of heat gain inside the space is 54435728 Wh. In order to achieve thermal comfort inside this cafe restaurant, the use of low e coating and double glazed window have been decided. Low E Coating - Low-e coatings is a thin transparent coating used to minimize the amount of ultraviolet and infrared light that transmit through the glazing, without losing the quality of the visible light. Low e coating reflects long-wave infrared energy (or heat) (Education Center 2014). Double Glazing - Double glazed windows will be used in additional to the low e coating. This type of glazing is also known as insulated glazing. Double glazed windows consist of two glazing panes with an air or gas filled between them, this gas is used to reduce the transfer of heat in to the building. This glass thickness ranges from 3mm to 10m. After applying double glazed windows: This double glazed windows has reduced the amount of heat inside the space to 53%, which resulted in less monthly cooling loads required in the zone .The cooling load required was reduced from 54435728 Wh to 29377354 Wh. Strategy 3 – Photovoltaic Cells The use of roof photovoltaic cells has been decided in order to absorb the maximum amount of sun’s energy possible by exposing them to the sunlight. These photovoltaic cells are made of phosphorus-doped (N-type) silicon thin layer and boron-doped (P-type) silicon thick layer. According to Toothman and Aldous (2014) photovoltaic cells are used to absorb sunlight and convert in to electricity by producing electric field with the help of P-N junction, when the two layers comes in contact with each other, This process takes place on top surface of the cell, when the sun light strikes the PV cell. This electric fields produced provide direction and moment to the light stimulated electrons, which results in flow of current in an electrical load. PVs are made of electrically connected cells group called module. These modules are then grouped together to form solar arrays. There is a heavy load on the cafe restaurant energy. Since the cafe restaurant is oriented towards Thermal comfort through biomimicry in the case of Emirates Towers Metro Station in Dubai 631