ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 503

Further research may focus on understanding the conditions that influence expectation formation among dwellers, as well as the impacts that different personalisation strategies may have on comfort and households’ budget. Acknowledgements The results of this study are part of a doctoral research currently under development by Victor Bunster under the supervision of Prof. Tom Kvan, A/Prof. Masa Noguchi, and Dr. Stanislav Roudavski at the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne with the financial support of CONICYT Chile (R.E. No. 2033/2012). The survey was conducted with the support of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Techo Foundation, and the University of Melbourne’s Abroad Travelling Scholarship (MATS). References Aravena, A. and Iacobelli, A., 2012, Incremental housing and participatory design manual, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern, Germany. Arriagada, C. and Sepúlveda, D., 2001, Satisfacción residencial en la vivienda básica SERVIU: La perspectiva del ciclo familiar, MINVU, Santiago, Chile. ATRIA, J., 2007, ‘Social Capital and volunteering: The keys for solidary financing for social housing. The Un Techo para Chile Foundation case,’ Revista INVI, 22(61), pp. 13-30. BALESTRA, C. and SULTAN, J. 2013. Home sweet home: The determinants of residential satisfaction and its relation with well-being, OECD Publishing, Paris, France. Chamorro, C., 2013, Política habitacional en Chile: Historia, resultados y desafíos, CCHC Working Paper No. 72. Galster, G.C. and Hesser, G.W., 1981, ‘Residential satisfaction: Compositional and contextual correlates,’ Environment and Behavior, 13(6), pp. 735-758. García-Alvarado, R., Donath, D. and González-Böhme, F., 2009, ‘Growth patterns in incremental self-build housing in Chile,’ Open House International, 34(4), pp. 18-25. Greene, M. and Rojas, E., 2008, Incremental construction: A strategy to facilitate access to housing, Environment & Urbanization, 20(1), 89-108. HARAMOTO, E. 1983. Políticas de vivienda social: Experiencia chilena de las últimas 3 décadas. In: MAC-DONALD, J. and COLLADOS, M. (eds.), Vivienda Social, Reflexiones y Experiencias, Corporación de Promoción Universitaria, Santiago, Chile. Held, G., 2000, ‘Políticas de viviendas de interés social orientadas al mercado: Experiencias recientes con subsidios a la demanda en Chile, Costa Rica y Colombia,’ Series Financiamiento del Desarrollo, CEPAL, Santiago, Chile. HIDALGO, R. 2005. La vivienda social en Chile y la construcción del espacio urbano en el Santiago del siglo XX, P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. IBEM, E. O. and AMOLE, D. 2013. Residential satisfaction in public core housing in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Social Indicators Research, 113(1), 563-581. INVI, 2002, Sistema medición satisfacción beneficiarios vivienda básica: Síntesis del informe de consultoría, MINVU, Santiago, Chile. Kahana, E., Lovegreen, L., Kahana, B. and Kahana, M., 2003, Pers on, environment, and person-environment fit as influences on residential satisfaction of elders, Environment and Behavior, 35(3), 434-453. Lin, T., 2011, ‘Evolución del espacio doméstico en “blocks” de vivienda social. Autoconstrucción y vulnerabilidad en conjuntos de vivienda básica,’ Revista CIS, 15, pp. 3-26. MINVU, 1990, ‘Reglamenta programa de viviendas progresivas - D.S.140/1990,’ Diario Oficial de la República de Chile, Santiago, Chile. MINVU, 2006, ‘Reglamento fondo solidario de vivienda - DS No. 174,’ Diario Oficial de la República de Chile, Santiago, Chile. MINVU, 2012, ‘Deroga resolución exenta No.3577, (V. y U.), 2012, y aprueba itemizado técnico de construcción para Personalisation strategies and residential satisfaction in chilean social housing 501