ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 167

Table 6 : Actions to support sustainable Paolo VI district planning , design and development
Plan Actions
Street Infrastructure 1 . Creation of a new train station with intermodal exchange ( convergence of railway , light underground , Circum Mar Piccolo road and beginning of district walk and cycle paths with bike sharing exchange ) in contrada Torre Rossa ( by the current shopping centre ), as a new urban gate to the district .
2 . Redesign of the bus lines . Two new lines can connect Paolo VI district to the town centre and a third one , internal , serving exclusively the district with the last stop at the Hospital and Shopping Centre . The latter would include a series of intermediate stops , 300m away on average .
3 . Redesign of the cycle paths and routes with rest areas for bike sharing .
Urban design
4 . Requalification of waste lands internal to the district ( creation of equipped parks and urban gardens ) and those in the proximity of the University Pole ( greenhouses and ecogardens with nursery of herbal species for the preservation of biodiversity ).
5 . Promotion of “ agriculture of proximity ” systems that would favour the management and maintenance of agricultural areas and develop a commercial network of local zero kilometres product as an alternative market that could flank , without any competition , the shopping centre .
6 . Retrieval of the environmental system adjacent to Paolo VI district , and facing the Shopping Centre ( characterised by the presence of farm lands , archaeological areas and the environmental system of a river ) as equipped environmental park .
7 . Retrieval and reconversion of the dismissed PIP area for the realisation of laboratories , areas for experimentation and business incubators for the university .
8 . Thickening of the settlement fabric ( residential and specialist ) also with buildings dedicated to the students hospitality ( student houses , student centre ,..); with the use of low density and finegrain housing types ( e . g . terraced ) to solve the urban discontinuities , reshape the urban roads ( main roads , secondary and virtual axes ), reduce the size of the open spaces ,…
9 . The racecourse is served by SS 77 . It is desirable that this resource is made accessible also to the residents of Paolo VI district . Hence the necessity to create a new road system that connects the racecourse with the new sport centre ( CUS ) creating an infrastructural axis for sport and leisure activities in the green .
Building design
10 . Transformation of the current campus ( branch of the Polytechnic of Bari ) and creation of a GREEN CAMPUS .
11 . Creation , in the waste lands surrounding the current campus , of structures with low environmental and energetic impact formally identitarian as : Colleges and student residences for offsite university students and visiting professors ; An equipped park with refreshment points ; A sport centre ; A multifunctional cultural centre ;
12 . Promotion and creation of leisure activities and structures ( cinema , disco pub ,...) in the proximity of the shopping centre . The choice of this kind of attractions arises from the necessity of reactivating the area of the shopping centre also during evening and night hours .
The university campus as experimental laboratory
From the context analysis previously indicated it is possible to define a strategy of design intervention that reviews and reinforce the collocation of the new Taranto ’ s University Center so to achieve strategic objectives on different scale :
• on district scale , for what regards the social and spatial regeneration of Paolo VI , its distributive and energetic efficiency , and its relationship with the town ;
• on metropolitan scale , for what concerns the service provided to the extended territory and the rational employment of the connections and the opportunities offered for the business development of the surrounding local contexts ;
The University Campus as a model of environmental and settlement sustainability 165