Although all assessment methods show differences within their methods of criteria evaluation and their categories , it can be seen that all criteria fall under similar themes , forming a flow system related to inputs and outputs ( consumptions and emissions ) within the physical , biotic and anthropic context of the construction enterprise , and its relationship with the external and internal environment , according to Degani ’ s ( 2003 ) classification .
However , there is a lack of knowledge on the available solutions , technologies and procedures involved with their employment on construction sites . It is also necessary to know the minimum conditions , legislations and resources required to deploy solutions after performing a technical and economic feasibility study based on the particularities of the construction site , specific production activities , logistics , financial constraints and human resources .
Therefore , the objective of this paper is to present the deployment of sustainable practices aimed at mitigating the environmental impacts produced during the construction process , based on a case study on the New Headquarters of the Construction Chamber for the state of Bahia ( Sinduscon-Ba ), Brazil . In order to propose this implementation , information obtained from a literature review on the guidelines suggested by the environmental assessment methods and from a previous work ( Guimarães , 2013 , Thomas et al ., 2013 ), which aimed to identify priority needs for sustainable solutions for construction site developments were taking as a basis .
Research Method
This work was developed using the case study strategy , which was conducted on the construction site of the New Sinduscon-Ba Headquarters . The aim was to adopt best practices for deploying a low environmental impact jobsite which involved the following three stages : ( a ) Identification and selection of best practices , ( b ) Implementation of best practices , ( c ) Monitoring , Learning and Remedial Actions . From this , a generic methodology for implementation of sustainable construction jobsites was developed through applying the concepts of continuous improvement whilst implanting and monitoring best practices , which is however , not the focus of this paper .
Identification and selection of best practices The identification of possible best practices to be implemented was based on the literature review related to the environmental assessment methods , previously presented at Table 1 , and from the findings of a survey about sustainable best practices on construction sites applied in Brazil by Guimarães ( 2013 ) and Thomas et al . ( 2013 ). Specifically , good practices on solid waste were based on the National Environment Council ( CONAMA ) Resolution 307 , which establishes directives , criteria and procedures for the management of waste from building construction in Brazil ( CONAMA , 2002 ). Good practices on Health and Safety were based on NR-18 standards ( Regulatory Standard -18 - Working conditions and the environment in the Construction Industry in Brazil ) ( Ministry of Labor and Employment – MTE , 2013 ). Air pollution practices were based on the London Council publication ( 2010 ).
The selection of good practices and solutions to mitigate the environmental impacts of the Sinduscon-Ba Building was carried out through weekly progress meetings during the first six months of the project with the project team , including the project engineer , general contractor , the project and environmental manager and the owners ( Chamber CEO and Project Director ), and afterwards through monthly meetings and video conferences with the AQUA consultancy company to validate the practices selected . The following evaluation criteria were adopted to assist in the selection of practices and solutions :
422 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce , Italy