On a global scale , the construction industry is responsible for about 50 % of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere , 20-50 % of all natural resources consumed and 50 % of all solid waste produced most of which occurs during the construction phase of the building ’ s life cycle , causing many environmental impacts ( Pulaski , 2004 , Khasreen , 2009 , Probert , 2010 ). The growth of the construction industry and its subsequent environmental impacts highlight the importance of the need for sustainable construction processes and actual ways to manage measures of sustainability ( Amor , 2012 ).
The construction process itself also causes different environmental impacts ( Chelma , 1997 , Kilbert , 2005 , USEPA 2006 , Gangolells et al ., 2009 , Gangolells et al ., 2011 ). Bulk materials , water and electricity among other resources of various types and origins are consumed on construction sites during the different production activities and by the temporary facilities . These activities generate solid waste and particle emissions causing a concern with soil contamination , air and water pollution and soil erosion . Noise emission is also an important issue , as the construction site activities temporarily increase noise pollution , and are often set in the urban environment ( Ballesteros et al ., 2010 ).
Therefore , the environmental impact of construction has become a relevant issue . However , the identification and monitoring of these environmental impacts have to date received little attention . It is very important to predict what the environmental impacts of construction are and identify how they can be prevented before starting an activity ( Amor , 2012 ). Furthermore , many of the impacts can be controlled and mitigated by the project management team during the design and pre-construction of a building ( Kilbert , 2005 ) thus improving the sustainability of the construction phase of a building .
By adopting good practices , many of the environmental aspects and their associated impacts can be reduced or almost completely mitigated . Those related to resource consumption can be reduced through rational resource use , adopting practices that reduce material losses and selecting materials , products and construction systems with low environmental impacts and low embodied energy considering its whole life cycle process ( Berge , 2009 ). The generation of waste products during the different site production activities can be reduced through adequate planning and management and can potentially be valorized as a raw material or energy source ( Rao et al ., 2007 ).
Best practices and technologies aimed at controlling particle emissions during the different construction site activities can be adopted to minimize risks from air pollution caused upon the occupational health of site workers and the neighborhood ( Kukadia 2003 , USEPA 2006 , Council London 2010 , Araújo et al . 2014 ). Wastewater produced during site activities can also cause groundwater contamination and natural watercourse pollution , and therefore requires wastewater management plans that control infiltration and surface run-off ( Netregs , 2012 ). Wastewater and effluents can also cause a loss of the fertile top soil due to erosion which consequently reduces the soil ’ s capacity to sustain local fauna and flora as well as compromising water drainage which can lead to flooding . Best practices are therefore required to minimize such risks ( Pulaski , 2004 ).
It is also important to control the impacts caused on the health , safety and welfare of the local neighborhood ( Hinze , 2013 ), such as the distress and annoyances resulting from site traffic and
420 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce , Italy