other individuals the support could be laws and regulations that support small local businesses . Similarly , the government can promote local production of goods and at the same time make the people realize that buying local products instead of imported goods is more beneficial to the country ’ s economy and ultimately their own future .
If we were to look closer into how these projects would be put to action in both urban and rural areas it will again be the governments support that needs to reach each individual . A farmer in a rural area needs the logistics to be able to sell his produce and the government can assist in such case by facilitating the transportation of goods to the market . On another level and mostly within urban areas and places with younger population the government can place loans , grants and competitions for those who have the idea to start up a sustainable project or practice . Involvement is the key here as individuals at all levels need to feel that they are supported and that whatever action they take is going to benefit them and their nation . In terms of other kinds of resource planning such as urban area planning , we have to keep in mind that Indonesia is a group of islands and it has a sort of limitation when it comes to land . Usually , urban areas such as big cities are usually developed in a way that the buildings are built horizontally . Whereas as mentioned earlier Indonesia is a series of islands and what would be more sustainable is to invest in building the city vertically while integrating smart sustainable urban designing within the city .
Finally , sustainable stewardship will support sustainable development in creating key actions for demographic crisis . The country will increase its investment in young generation , allowing access to contraception , developing different types of financial systems to suit all types of society and finally , more employment opportunities will be created .
Employment Opportunities Following the sequence of the cycle , agriculture efficiency is going to lead to employment and automatically reaches to control the consumption pattern ( sustainable awareness ). This awareness should be targeted towards different people both in terms of life style and standards . For example , those living in the urban areas would have to follow a different pattern of consumption than those who live in more rural areas of the country . One of the main goals is the development of appropriate policies that the government to strictly monitor in regards to the consumption patterns and the use of natural resources such as land . In the context of land use we know that much of the forests that is part of the rural areas have been victim to illegal logging . It might be difficult to stop such illegal activities , which might provide short-term income for people , but also in the long run not only does the source of income get extinct , but also the ecosystem as a whole is harmed . Therefore , the use or in other words the consumption pattern has to be changed and it is the role of the government to make sure there are better and more sustainable options available . People have to be educated about the alternatives of land use such as for food production or preservation of certain sites for recreational activities or tourism .
When the level of awareness is reached along with appropriate policy development , we would expect for the nation to achieve the self-sufficiency through a sustainable consumption pattern . This would without a doubt impact the economy with better governmental planning and use of resources more job opportunities would be created that would have long-term security . As a result , employment would increase and so would the level of income along with spending power . However , what remains crucial is for the nation to adapt the culture of sustainable consumption and for the economy to rise along the resource growth and not against it .
396 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce , Italy