sia . Recent reports state that 40 to 55 % of Indonesia ’ s timber is collected illegally from protected areas . In 1960s , around 82 percent of Indonesia was forested , however , with deforestation taking place as the country starts to develop ; forest cover reduces to 52 %. Following the deforestation rate , it is expected that by 2022 , 98 % of lowland forests will be demolished ( Fig . 4 ).
4 . Causes and Challenges
Development and economy of Indonesia was under pressure to adapt strategic politics related to the wealth of the country and the preservation of the islands natural resources , especially with the raise of population density during 1970s and 1980s and other natural disasters like soil erosion , floods and other concerns . The main challenge facing Indonesia is the increasing pressure of population demand associating with inadequate environmental management that affects the economy and the underprivileged communities in Indonesia .
Furthermore , the rules to protect natural resources and environmental policies was inadequately implemented , this could be due to the common ideology of preferring income increase ; by expanding the urban cities and produced capital . Another challenge is to reduce the footprint of the country and green house gas effect , by taking serious steps and applying penalty on those who commend violations against environmental law , such as illegal logging .
Although some of the environmental disasters are done by nature such as earthquake , flood and volcano , nonetheless human activities have a role in causing these hazards . World Bank estimated the CO2 emissions in Indonesia ( metric tons per capita = 1.8 ) in 2012 , as a result , Indonesia is a large greenhouse gas emitter , 80 percent of sources are from deforestation , logging and forest fires . As such , other natural disasters accrue ; soil erosion , river-bed siltation , water pollution caused by agricultural pesticides , off-shore oil drilling , marine pollution caused by plant fertilizers , Air pollution caused by forest fires and industrial outcome .
5 . Sustainability Package for Population Growth in Indonesia
Three power capitals measure the wealth of a nation : ( 1 ) The produced capital ; ( 2 ) The natural capital ; ( 3 ) The intangible capital . The sustainable package presents solutions that address the major problems of population growth in Indonesia . This section will elaborate in details on demographic transition , food security and sustainable stewardship . However , the focus will be on sustainable stewardship , promoting recourse management and control the consumption pattern .
Demographic Transition Demographic transition is referred to the transition of human population from high fertility rates and high death rates to the condition of a low birth rate and low death rate . This transition may accrue under the influence of economic or social development , developed countries ( Fig . 3 ). Demonstrates the demography transition chart in developed and developing countries , it is evident that in developed countries birth rates and death rates decline together resulting in a low stable rate . On the contrary , in the developing countries both rates are in a constant high speed ( level ) until mid 1900s , where birth rates decline as a result of medical breakthrough , while birth rate remained high resulting in rapid population growth .
392 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce , Italy